Green Crack (Skunk #1 x Sweet Leaf Indica)

Cool Calm Collective 
Price: $40 per 1/8th

AROMAThis batch of Green Crack has an especially sweet smell to it with hints of pine and skunk. For a sun grown strain this has a relatively pungent smell to it that is very pleasant. It was actually pretty surprising to smell, because I've smelled indoor strains that didn't have as strong of a GC scent to it.

TASTE:  The sweet flavor dissipates and is replaced with a strong pine and skunk taste. Since this is sun grown, the strain is a bit more harsh than I'm used to, but nothing too bad. The pine and skunk overpower the flavor because of how creamy the smoke is. There isn't a burn in the sinuses, but the aftertaste is very apparent there. It's not the best tasting Green Crack strain there is, but it is very tasty for sun grown.

LOOK:  The only indicator of this batch being sun grown is the slight yellow hue of the nugs/trichomes, which is typical for strains grown that way. Other than that everything else, the nug & trichome structure, smell, and taste don't really point to the strain being sun grown. It's a good looking strain of Green Crack with its classic cone shaped nugs, copper colored hairs, and amber trichs. One of the best sun grown strains I've seen.

EFFECTS:  CCC's batch of Green Crack is at $40 per 1/8th, which is one step above their bottom shelf. Other than the hue of the nugs I wouldn't have guessed that this was sun grown. It's quick onset is almost an instant head changer that flows from the back of the head/neck to the rest of the face. It gives a very cerebral and euphoric kick to it that is a great stress reliever, and puts slight pressure at the back of the eyes. The high doesn't get too intense at all, so it's definitely good for those looking to mellow out without high intensity. Good for daytime stress relief and relaxation. Good daytime to midday strain.

In all honesty I was not expecting much from this batch of Green Crack. Don't get me's an attractive strain that smells great, but I haven't had any good sun grown in about a decade. Having said all that...I have been proven wrong. This might not be the best Green Crack batch out there, but it is definitely a good one. It took me by surprise, so I'm pretty sure it will too for you.












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