Price: $45 per 1/8th
AROMA: From the nugs there is a distinct hefty pine and lemon diesel aroma, with a classic OG scent to it that becomes ridiculously pungent once nugs are broken apart. Once nugs are ground up the smell becomes insanely strong and fills a room almost immediately. After a deep inhale the hefty pine turns into an almost fresh redwood forest-like scent. Great smelling strain and a great smelling OG coming off the shelves at GSPA.
TASTE: The flavor of this strain is a stronger version of the aroma with a hefty pine and lemon diesel taste. The lemon diesel side is definitely stronger, as its tangy nature bites the tongue, and the hefty pine lingers in the sinuses. The aftertaste definitely has a great flavor to it, and is rather long lasting. The strain has a great flavor to it with a combination of classic OG flavor and the hefty White Fire pine, and tastes better than the pungent smell suggests...which is saying a lot.
LOOK: Plump light green calyxes almost hide the bright orange pistils that peak through, and manicure job is done tight to the nugs. There are a few stray leaves here and there, but nothing to complain about. The structure of the nugs have a foxtail mixed with popcorn structure, and have a relatively dense consistency. The trichomes cake the calyxes, and some of the leaves, giving the strain a frosty look. It is definitely an attractive strain that has a classic OG Kush look to it.
EFFECTS: Heavy indica body high with a couch lock effect, the high of this strain is definitely a creeper. It has a quick onset high, but simply intensifies as time passes. It doesn't really peak until about 15-20 minutes in, and when it does the entire body becomes relaxed. There is also an interesting buzz around the forehead and even wraps around the back of the head. The high causes muscles to relax, and pain in the joints disappear completely. While it is a potent high it does not get to intense, and plateaus at a nice relaxing level. Great for pain relief, stress relief (possibly anxiety), relaxation, and sleep aid. Great midday to nighttime strain.
WiFi, or White Fire, OG is a potent cut of OG, and GSPA's batch is no exception to that rule. White Fire is a combination of Fire OG and The White, both potent marijuana cuts, that deliver this juggernaut OG cut with potent qualities all around. It is definitely a great OG cut, and a treat to try from GSPA.